GT Radials continue to be a great choice for many of our customers. Let’s look at why, after one year, they’re still our Star Buy. At BK Tyres, we’re picky about which tyres we recommend. We have to be. We’ve… read more
GT Radials continue to be a great choice for many of our customers. Let’s look at why, after one year, they’re still our Star Buy. At BK Tyres, we’re picky about which tyres we recommend. We have to be. We’ve… read more
Replacing worn tyres — we know it has to be done, but most of us do it with a sigh. Tyres aren’t cheap (even BK Tyres’ competitively priced ones), and we’d much rather spend our money on something else. The… read more
This month, we take a look at the customer feedback on our mobile tyre-fitting service. Usually, our blog focuses on what’s new in the world of tyres. This month, however, we thought we’d write about something closer to home —… read more
The EU is planning new rules on tyre labelling and, despite Brexit, the UK government will probably adopt them. We look at why that’s sparked a controversy. Whatever you think about Brexit, you have to agree with one thing: you… read more
Yesterday’s tyre blaze in Salford produced a spectacular plume of smoke, disrupted train services and prompted a warning for nearby residents to shut their doors and windows. Nasty though it was, firefighters quickly brought the blaze under control. But in… read more
Every so often, we like to draw attention to less well-known tyre companies making great products. We’re talking about the sort of manufacturers that car enthusiasts know, but the wider public might not. A few months back, we blogged about… read more
Like it or not, it really looks like the internal combustion engine’s days are numbered. The UK is set to ban petrol and diesel car sales by 2040. And it looks like individual cities may take action sooner than that…. read more
A groundbreaking research study has revealed the serious, and sometimes tragic, consequences of poor tyre care. We take a look at its findings. Just a few weeks ago, we wrote a post on the costs of underinflated tyres. We argued… read more
Aquaplaning — it always sounds like something that you might do on a Mediterranean beach holiday. But aquaplaning in your car is no fun at all. At best it’s alarming; at worst, it can result in a serious accident. After… read more
In this post, we look at what happens when your tyres are underinflated and try to get to the bottom of how much it could cost you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWDkuPitHFQ Underinflated tyres and fuel costs You’ve heard that not keeping on top… read more