Category Archives: Tyre Advice

Why Mixing Your Tyres is a Terrible Idea

Mixing tyres on the same vehicle — for example tread patterns, types and tread depths — can be bad news. In this two-part article, we explain why. Lots of things are better when they’re mixed together. Cake ingredients. Cocktail drinks…. read more

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Why Old Tyres Have Finally Been Made Illegal

There wasn’t much fanfare in the press, but last month saw the Government finally take an important step to improve the safety of our roads. On 15th July, Roads Minister Baroness Vere announced that tyres that it will be illegal… read more

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Keeping Your Car Safe As Lockdown Eases

As lockdowns start to ease across the UK, more and more of us are getting back to the car. Now’s the time to take that extra bit of care to keep you and your family safe, by following our five… read more

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BK Tyres — Coronavirus Update

First and foremost, thank you for the messages of support from our customers and friends. They are all very much appreciated during this unprecedented time. Our blog post this time covers several questions relating to our service and the coronavirus… read more

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The Three Best Winter Tyres in 2020

One of our five tips for driving in snow and ice last time was to make sure that your car was equipped with suitable tyres. We pointed out that winter tyres were specifically adapted for performing well in thse conditions…. read more

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